We boost sales with engaging visuals for the target audience

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Our 4 Service


Exterior and Interior 3D Renderings, 3D Animations, 360 Virtual Tours, Interactive Presentations, Virtual Home Staging

Design Concept

Marketing Interior Design Concept, Elevation Design Concept, Landscape Design Concept


Content Production, Video Editing, Promotional Videos, Architecture and Interior Photography, Drone Filming

Real Estate Branding

Brand Strategy, Brand Naming,Brand Communication, Logotype Creation, Website Design & Development

Our approach

We implement holistic digital tools delivering high-end immersive marketing content to attract and win particular target groups in the real estate market

Our technologies

We awaken clients' senses and accelerate their decisiveness in the real estate sale process

Our values

We value the highest quality and deep creative thinking, resulting in unique approaches and individual solutions

Services Overview

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supported by the newest technologies and guided by grateful professionals.


We provide Exterior and Interior 3D Renderings, 3D Animations, 360 Virtual Tours, Interactive Presentations, Virtual Home Staging. All to showcase you property at most attractive way.

Design Concept

We provide Marketing Interior Design Concept, Elevation Design Concept, Landscape Design Concept to help you to present your property at its finest

We provide Exterior and Interior 3D Renderings, 3D Animations, 360 Virtual Tours, Interactive Presentations, Virtual Home Staging. All to showcase you property at most attractive way.

Design Concept

We provide Content Production, Video Editing, Promotional Videos, Architecture and Interior Photography and Drone Filming services for presenting extisting properties and to enhance your off-plan concept.

Real Estate Branding

We provide services in developing Brand Strategy, Brand Naming,Brand Communication, Logotype and Website - all to prepare your property for marketing and sale


Unlock the full potential of your real estate ventures by crafting compelling campaigns, leveraging digital strategies, and showcasing properties to maximize visibility and attract the right buyers


Elevate your real estate brand to new heights by distinct identities and strategies tailored to your unique property portfolio, helping you stand out in a competitive market.

Website Development

Elevate your real estate online presence with our expert website development services. We create custom websites that showcase your properties and provide exceptional user experiences. Attract more clients and stay competitive in the digital realm with our solutions.

Digital Production
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What is 3D rendering, and how might it offer benefits?

3D rendering is a process in computer graphics where a 3-dimensional scene or model is transformed into a 2-dimensional image or animation. This process involves using specialized software and hardware to generate a visually realistic representation of a 3D object or environment. 3D rendering is a valuable tool that can enhance client satisfaction, streamline project development, and help clients make well-informed decisions in various industries, from architecture and interior design to product manufacturing and marketing. Below we highlighted some key aspects of 3D rendering.

1. 3D Models: The process starts with creating or importing 3D models, which are digital representations of objects or scenes in three dimensions.

2. Texturing: Texturing involves applying 2D images, called textures, to the surfaces of 3D models. Textures provide color, patterns, and surface details to make objects appear realistic. This can include textures for materials like wood, metal, or fabric.

3. Lighting: Proper lighting is essential for creating realistic 3D renders. Digital lights are positioned within the 3D scene to illuminate objects just like real-world lighting. This affects the shading, shadows, and reflections in the scene.

4. Cameras: Virtual cameras are placed within the 3D scene to determine the viewpoint and perspective of the final image. The position, orientation, and lens properties of the camera are adjusted to frame the scene as desired.

5. Realism and Effects: Advanced rendering techniques can be used to achieve photorealistic results. This includes effects like global illumination, reflections, refractions, ambient occlusion, and depth of field.

6. Post-Processing: After the initial rendering, we apply post-processing effects such as color grading, motion blur, and compositing to enhance the final image or animation.

What is 3D rendering workflow in Realti?

The 3D rendering workflow involves a series of steps and processes that transform a 3Dmodel or scene into a final 2D image or animation. The exact workflow can varydepending on the specific project and goals, but here is a general overview of the typicalsteps involved in a 3D rendering workflow:

1. Concept and Planning:
Define the project's goals, objectives, and requirements. Create a concept or storyboard to outline the visual elements and composition of the scene. Mood boards to define the vibe, lighting scenario and others.

2. 3D Modeling:
Create or import 3D models of objects, and environments using 3D modeling software. Ensure that models are accurately detailed and textured as needed.

3. Test Renders and Iteration:
Make clay renders to pick up the right perspectives and choose best lighting scenario. Perform test renders to check the progress and make adjustments as needed.Iterate on the scene, making improvements based on feedback and visual inspection.

4. Review and Approval:
Review the test render with stakeholders to ensure it meets the project's goals and requirements.Make any necessary revisions based on feedback.

5. Final Rendering and Post-Processing:
Initiate the final render with the required resolution.
Apply color correction, compositing, and other enhancements to achieve the desired final look. Export the final 2D images or animation sequences in the desired format.

What is the client’s input for 3D rendering?

3D rendering services primarily focus on creating realistic visual representations of a design concept. These visualizations are often used for presentations, marketing, and visualization purposes, allowing clients to see what a space or design concept will look like before it is built or implemented.

  1. 3D Model:
    To create a 3D rendering, the rendering service requires a 3D model of theinterior space or object. This model can be provided by an interior designer, architect, or3D modeling specialist.

  2. Design Concept:
    The rendering service needs a clear design concept, which includes details about the desired aesthetics, color schemes, materials, lighting, and overall style of the space.

  3. Reference Images:
    Clients can provide reference images, mood boards, or visualreferences that convey the desired look and feel of the space. These references help therendering service understand the client's vision.

  4. Furniture and Fixtures Information:
    Specific information about the furniture, fixtures,and decor elements to be included in the rendering should be provided. This caninclude the type, style, and placement of these items.

  5. Lighting Design Details:
    Clients should communicate their preferences for lighting, including the type of lighting fixtures, placement, and desired ambiance.

  6. Color and Material Choices:
    Input regarding color preferences and material choices for surfaces and furnishings is essential for creating accurate renderings.

If you do not have a 3D model, a 3D interior design concept, or a 3D architectural designconcept, Realti can provide them for an additional fee. Below you can find a detailedinformation about these services.

What is the client’s input for interior design?

3D interior design services involve the comprehensive planning and design of interior spaces, taking into account functionality, aesthetics, and the overall user experience within the space.

  1. Client Requirements:
    The primary input is the client's specific requirements, including the functional needs of the space, any special requests, and the budget for the project.

  2. Design Preferences:
    Clients should communicate their design preferences, style, and aesthetics. This includes color schemes, materials, furniture styles, and overall design concepts.

  3. Spatial Layout:
    Information about the desired spatial layout and arrangement of furniture and fixtures is essential. Clients may have specific ideas about how they want the space to function.

  4. Budget Constraints:
    Clients should provide information about their budget, whichhelps the interior designer make appropriate choices when selecting materials,furnishings, and decor.

  5. Existing Space Information:
    If it's a renovation project, the interior designer may need measurements and details about the existing space and any architectural constraints.

  6. Functional Requirements: 
    Clients should articulate the functional aspects of the space, such as the intended use of each area, storage needs, and any special features required.

  7. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:
    Clients should inform the interior designer of any legal or regulatory requirements that must be adhered to, such as building codes or accessibility standards.

  8. Brand Identity (for Commercial Projects):
    In commercial projects, clients may have branding guidelines or specific brand-related input that should be integrated into the design.

What is interior design workflow in Realti?

3D interior design services involve the comprehensive planning and design of interior spaces, taking into account functionality, aesthetics, and the overall user experience within the space.

  1. Client Consultation and Briefing:
    Define the project's goals, objectives, requirements, preferences, and budget forthe interior design project.Gather information about the space, including measurements, existing conditions, and any architectural constraints.

  2. Concept Development:
    Create an initial design concept based on the client's input. This may include mood boards, sketches, or digital concept boards to convey the overall look and feel of the design.

  3. Space Planning:
    Develop a space plan that includes the layout of furniture, fixtures, and other elements within the space.Ensure that the design optimizes the use of space, taking into account functionality and flow.

  4. Furniture, Fixture, Color Palette and Finishes Selection:
    Choose furniture, fixtures, and accessories that align with the design concept andspace plan.Ensure that selected items are to scale within the space.Define the color palette for walls, furnishings, and decor elements.Apply finishes and textures to surfaces, such as paint colors, wallpapers, and fabric patterns.

  5. 3D Modeling:
    Create 3D models of the interior space using 3D modeling software. This includesmodeling walls, floors, ceilings, and architectural features.Add 3D representations of furniture, lighting, and other elements to the model.

  6. Lighting Design:
    Plan the placement and type of lighting fixtures within the 3D model to achievethe desired illumination and ambiance.Consider natural lighting sources and how they interact with artificial lighting.

  7. Rendering, Visualization and Design Iteration:
    Make clay renders to pick up the right perspectives and choose best lighting scenario. Perform test renders to check the progress and make adjustments as needed.Iterate on the scene, making improvements based on feedback and visual inspection.

  8. Review and Approval:
    Review the test render with stakeholders to ensure it meets the project's goals and requirements. Make any necessary revisions based on feedback.

  9. Final Presentation:
    Render the 3D model to create photorealistic images or animations.Initiate the final render with the required resolution.Apply color correction, compositing, and other enhancements to achieve the desired final look.Export the final 2D images or animation sequences in the desired format.

  10. Technical Documentation (if required):
    Create 2D drawings, including wall elevations, plans, details etc.Prepare specifications, including furniture, material, and lightning lists.

What is interior design, and how might it offer benefits?

Interior design is a multifaceted profession that involves planning and designing the interior spaces of buildings to create functional, aesthetically pleasing, and harmonious environments. Interior designers work in diverse spaces, including homes, offices, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and beyond. Their primary goal is to enhance the quality of life and the functionality of a space while considering the aesthetic preferences and needsof their clients. Here are some key aspects of interior design:

  1. Space Planning:
    Analyzing and optimizing space layout for functionality.

  2. Aesthetic Choices:
    Selecting colors, materials, and furnishings aligned with the client's vision.

  3. Furniture Selection:
    Choosing furniture and fixtures based on comfort, style, and budget.

  4. Material Selection:
    Picking materials for surfaces considering functionality and aesthetics.

  5. Lighting Design:
    Planning lighting for a well-lit and appealing space.

  6. Color Coordination:
    Creating a cohesive color palette for the desired atmosphere.

  7. Decor and Accessories:
    Selecting and arranging decorative items to enhance visual appeal.

  8. Custom Design:
    Crafting unique elements tailored to the client's needs and style.

  9. Project Management:
    Overseeing execution and coordination with professionals.

  10. Sustainability and Accessibility:
    Incorporating eco-friendly and accessible design principles.

  11. Regulatory Compliance:
    Ensuring designs comply with safety and legal requirements.

What is 3D product placement, and how might it offer benefits?

3D product placement is a rendering, marketing and advertising technique that involves the integration of 3D-rendered or computer-generated products into various forms of media content, such as animations, 3D fully designed scenes, virtual reality experiences, and more. This placement can be seamless and realistic, making it look as if the products are physically present in the content. The primary purpose of 3D product placement is to promote and advertise products within the specific context. Benefits or 3D product placement include:

  1. Product Visualization:
    3D product placement allows viewers to see products in use, enabling them to better visualize how they might fit into their own lives. This can lead to increased interest and potential sales.

  2. Enhanced Brand Exposure:
    Placing products within popular and widely viewed content can significantly increase brand exposure. When done effectively, it can reach a broad audience and generate brand recognition.

  3. Cross-Promotion:
    It provides opportunities for cross-promotion, as products can be featured in different types of media content, such as movies, video games, and virtual reality experiences. This allows for a diversified marketing approach.

  4. Targeted Advertising:
    Advertisers can choose specific content that aligns with their target audience, ensuring that their products are seen by the right demographic.

  5. Extended Reach:
    Content that features 3D product placement can be distributed globally, reaching a wider audience and potentially expanding the brand's market.

  6. Measurable Impact:
    Advertisers can track the impact and success of 3D product placement through data and analytics, measuring factors like viewer engagement and brand recall.

  7. Flexibility: 
    Advertisers have the flexibility to update or change the product placements as needed without reshooting scenes, making it a cost-effective advertising strategy.

  8. Product Testing:
    It can serve as a way to gauge the reception of new products in a real-world context before their physical launch.

  9. Monetization:
    Content creators and producers can monetize their content by incorporating 3D product placements, which can offset production costs and generate additional revenue.

What is 3D product placement workflow in Realti?

Our workflow simplifies into those four main steps:

  1. Briefing & 3D Model Product Share -
    Defining project goals and requirements, optimizing 3D modelWe will commence by engaging with your team to collaboratively create a detailed set of requirements and project references. These specifications will serve as a reliable roadmap for the entire CGI process. Next, we create a 3D model of your product. In case we receive a 3D model from you, we will optimize it to ensure swift and efficient rendering. We will wait for files like sketches, drawings, inspirations, references, 3D models, and any others that might help to better understand your vision.

  2. Catalog Scene Selection -
    Drawing from your brief, we will meticulously prepare a catalog of scenes that will showcase your product in the best possible light. For this purpose, we will use our database of designed spaces. If that is not sufficient, we will create brand new and unique scenes using our set of multiple AI software tools. Later on, these images will be converted into 3D scenes and adjusted individually to perfectly highlight your products. In case you have your own reference we will investigate whether it is possible to recreate one and feature your product there. We will send you a PDF presentation with scenes specially selected for you. We will wait for your feedback.

  3. Render 2K Previews -
    Initial renders provide an essential starting point for visualizing your products in the context. Though not as intricately detailed as the final computer-generated images will be, they offer a holistic visual representation, allowing us to grasp the entire picture of the final composition. During this stage, we will request substantial information from you to ensure that the visuals closely align with the intended final outcome. We sent you a pack of renderings. We are waiting for your feedback (e.g. change furniture or material, camera perspective).

  4. Final 5K Renderings -
    After we finalize collecting feedbacks from you we will introduce all your suggestions, and our proficient team will proceed with crafting final renderings. We will prepare multiple croppings of the main images. We sent you a pack of final renderings and PDF presentation with all images.

What is the client’s input for 3D product placement?

A 3D model is essential for this service. In case you do not posses one we would require a product technical documentation including drawings, sketches and material specifications. More things to consider:

  1. Marketing Objectives:  
    Clients need to communicate their marketing objectives and goals for the product placement. This might include increasing brand visibility, promoting a specific product, targeting a particular audience, or generating sales leads. Understanding these objectives helps the placement team create a strategy that aligns with the client's goals.

  2. Target Audience:
    Clients should provide detailed information about their target audience, including demographics, interests, and behavior. This information is crucial for selecting the right content where the product will be placed to reach the desired audience effectively.

  3. Brand Guidelines:
    Clients need to share their brand guidelines, including brand colors, logos, messaging, and design elements. This ensures that the product placement aligns with the client's brand identity and maintains brand consistency.

  4. Product Details:
    Detailed information about the product to be placed is necessary. This includes the product's features, benefits, packaging, and any unique selling points. Understanding the product's attributes helps in creating relevant and engaging placements.

  5. Content Context:
    Clients may have specific preferences for the type of content in which their product is placed. They can provide guidance on the genre, style, and tone of the content that best suits their brand and product.

How can we become partners?

After conducting a thorough company check and reviewing its portfolio, we begin by defining your investment goals and risk tolerance. We assess whether you are interested in residential or commercial real estate, whether you prefer short-term or long-term investments, and the type of partnership that interests you. For example, you may be considering involvement in development, property management, or providing capital. Subsequently, we create a clear and compelling investment pitch and develop an investment plan.

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